Business Auto Insurance Driver Guidelines

Who can drive under a Commercial or Business Auto Insurance policy?

Ask an insurance company, agent, broker, account manager, or insurance underwriter and you may receive different answers from each one as to what is an acceptable driver.  The short and simple answer is that each insurance company guideline will be a little different, but all share a few common guidelines.

The following is ONLY intended as basic information.  We encourage you to contact your commercial auto insurance agent or broker to discuss in further detail.

Drivers Recommendations

Dumbaugh Insurance uses three categories to review driving records.

#1 – Age of the Driver:

  • Under 21 – Not recommended
  • 21 to 25 – With a clean driving record, private passenger vehicles only.  No large trucks or commercial vehicles
  • 26 to 70 – Preferred with clean driving records
  • Over 70 – Not recommended

 #2 – Major Violations:

The violations below are all considered Major violations and are always a No.

  • Driving Under the Influence
  • Speeding over the limit of 25 mph or more
  • Under 21 & Possession
  • Vehicle Manslaughter, Homicide, or Negligence
  • Use of a Vehicle Committing a Felony
  • Reckless Driving
  • Hit & Run Accident
  • Leaving the Scene
  • Operating with a Suspended/Revoked License
  • Making a False Report
  • Grand Theft
  • Racing

#3 – Minor Violations & Accidents:

Everything else falls under Minor violations. Insurance companies typically look at a combination of both violations and accidents.

  • Combination of 1 or fewer minor violations & accidents will always be acceptable
  • Combination of 2 or fewer minor violations & accidents will commonly be accepted, but may be referred

Begin a Conversation with your agent

Who is an acceptable driver will always be different per agent, broker, and company, but should be discussed whenever you have any questions, especially in light of the increasing premium trend in commercial auto insurance.  The best defense is a good offense of;

  • Open communication with your agent
  • Proper screening of drivers
  • A written driver policy in regards to acceptable use, and driving record.

If you have questions on who should order Motor Vehicle Reports, please check out my article, Should my agent provide me with MVR’s?

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me using any of the options below to discuss.


Request Your Proposal Here

Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Dumbaugh Insurance is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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